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Proposed new legislation is latest in a fast-changing landscape for private rented sector Residential landlords already struggling to keep up with legislation and guidelines, including the tenant protections extended by...
For the shareholding directors of many privately-owned companies, the end-game is focused on selling up before moving on to new ventures or sometimes retirement. But many owners under-estimate the time...
Just when we all thought it was going to be a ‘BBQ summer’, the heavens opened. However, we still have a few months of summer left to go, and as...
For residential landlords, identity checks on prospective tenants can be challenging and the penalties harsh for getting it wrong; but trying to avoid tenants with complex immigration status is not...
Inheritance disputes may have risen in response to soaring property prices, second marriages and blended families, with relatives more likely to feel they are missing out, but the courts are...
Landlords of residential property could face high fines if they do not meet the latest energy efficiency standards. On 1st April 2020, the latest stage of the Minimum Energy Efficiency...
Residential landlords must get their houses in order with the arrival of further legislation to protect tenants through electrical and building safety requirements. New electrical safety standards are rolling out...
Landlords are breathing a sigh of relief over the news that a court has allowed an eviction notice despite a copy of the gas safety certificate not being provided before...
The International Day of Charity takes place annually on 5 September, but did you know that one of the best ways to support a charity is to leave them a...
Experts are warning against self-directed videos following the announcement by the Government that legislation is to be introduced in September to allow wills to be signed remotely using a live...
NHS workers fighting Covid-19 on the front line, together with the elderly and vulnerable, lie behind a huge spike in demand for will writing over recent weeks, according to the...
The government has unveiled its long-awaited plans for arbitration to handle pandemic-related commercial rent arrears, with a code of conduct that effectively sets the standard for the draft legislation, which...
Family breakups are, without doubt, one of the most stressful and upsetting processes anyone can go through. This is particularly true if there are children involved, and/or the separation is...
If you have decided to separate from your partner, there are certain practicalities that you will need to work out together. Even if you are unsure if you will divorce...
Parents who help their children get on the property ladder are being urged to adopt a more professional approach when it comes to handing over the cash. Faced with high...
Leasehold property owners are set for important changes in the coming months, with the Government’s plans to grant new rights on lease extensions and the ending of ground rent.  It...
As we move into the new tax year, we are reminded that 2022/23 may be particularly tough on our finances. It is essential to look ahead and be prepared for...
When the clock finally chimed for no-fault divorce, courts saw a surge in petitions from couples looking to avoid the blame game but challenges still lie ahead for couples leaving...
October will see a major milestone in notice periods for residential tenancies where landlords are seeking possession, as they revert to pre-pandemic requirements.  But with fears of a tough winter,...
As coronavirus continues its freeze on normal life, with strict lockdown measures back in place, many businesses will have breathed a sigh of relief following a Supreme Court ruling (on...
If you are considering giving Power of Attorney to a loved one, we understand that this may feel overwhelming. There are many considerations, including choosing someone you trust to carry...
Dementia Action Week runs 17th – 23rd May 2021 and is a national event that sees the public coming together to take action to improve the lives of people affected...
Property buyers are fighting off the pandemic to catch a new home before stamp duty goes back to its normal rate.  For overseas buyers the race is even more important,...
In June, the Society for Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) launched a new “Protect your Digital Memories” campaign. The campaign aims to increase awareness and encourage people to protect their...
The coronavirus outbreak has had an unprecedented impact on businesses and individuals. If you are self-employed, you may be concerned about paying your Self Assessment tax bill due on 31...
Proposed changes could have far-reaching implications for future estate tax planning Sweeping reform of inheritance tax has been recommended to cut complexity of the so-called ‘death tax’, but experts are...
If you are renting your home, it is your landlord’s responsibility to provide heating and hot water. When the heating or boiler fails through no fault of your own, your...
Buying a new home is exciting, but you may be anxious about how long the process could take from start to finish. Understanding how long you can expect to wait...
As a fresh wave of lockdown measures cut across the UK, retail tenants may be experiencing new concerns about how to pay the rent, but another ticking timebomb is the...
In England and Wales, public rights of way give you permission to walk, ride, cycle and drive in public rights of way in the countryside. The Countryside Code also provides...
Financial abuse of vulnerable people by those acting on their behalf is on the rise, with investigations into the actions of appointed attorneys soaring to a record high. With the...
Young people have an important role to play in shaping the future of the internet, including the spaces where they spend time and the etiquette for interacting with others online....
Going through divorce or separation is challenging, particularly if you have children. If your children are old enough, they may also express worry, concern, or preferences about what they would...
If you are looking to move your business, there is an important decision to be made around whether you should buy or rent premises. There are several factors you should...
The world of social media can often seem like the wild west of the internet. Everyone has simple access to an audience and can share anything they wish. In a...
Property buyers looking to pay reduced rates of stamp duty when buying multiple residential properties or claiming mixed residential and non-residential use can expect a tightening of the rules following...
The new tax year began on 6th April 2022, and while you may not have made any ‘new year, new you’ promises, perhaps it could be time to sort out...
Those thinking about Spring and the changes it may bring are likely to be focused on the countdown towards the Brexit deadline of 29th March, but there are also homeowners,...
Coronavirus lockdown keeps chancellor’s attention on the short term, with the promise of jabs securing jobs for an upturn next year  The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the UK’s...
Responding to the latest inflation figures, the chancellor keeps attention on the long-term picture The combined pressure on the UK’s economy from the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine...
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