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It’s nearly time for the kids to go back to school, and for parents, this can be a very expensive time of the year. Not only are there all the...
The Government’s latest lifting of Covid-related restrictions, allowing business to return to the workplace, should mean worker welfare is a top priority according to health and safety experts. Ensuring workers...
With the dark nights coming in and summer drawing to a close, you may be considering having a bonfire. Either to dispose of waste that has accrued over the summer,...
Side hustles, start-ups and other virtual businesses looking to avoid fixed premises costs need to make sure they have a mailing address where everyone can reach them. Many companies use...
COVID-19 has had a significant impact on almost every business in the UK. For many businesses, it means they no longer require their business premises, or can no longer afford...
It is possible to make a Power of Attorney online, but whether you should is an entirely different matter. The process of making a Power of Attorney seems straightforward, but...
Spring, warm weather and longer days sees a surge in interest in garden works each year, and where householders improve and replace, boundary disputes are sure to follow… One recent...
Christmas brings a round of festive celebrations with drinks, dinners and bottles of wine shared between customers and suppliers, but whether giving or receiving, businesses need to keep up with...
For many parents, the issue of spending time with children at Christmas can be tense. Both parents want to spend Christmas day with their loved ones and their children, but...
Tough economic conditions and spiralling costs are expected to add to the pressure on couples facing the Christmas period. The new year often brings news of the unhappy couples who...
Privacy law protects intellectual property as well as celebrity secrets and royal correspondence A dispute which reached the High Court has highlighted the importance of maintaining commercial confidentiality to avoid...
When it comes to starting a business, one of the most challenging but interesting tasks you must carry out is finding the right name. However, many people do not realise...
Companies anticipating a return to the workplace in June, if the Government’s route map stays on track, should be planning how to protect workers and customers once the country is...
When the transition period ends and the UK’s exit from the European Union is complete, businesses with customers in Europe will need to keep on the right side of data...
What protection do you have if you buy from an online auction site? If there’s one place you’re pretty much guaranteed to spot a bargain, it’s an online auction site....
A more straightforward digital system to set up a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) could come into play, but experts say that it is vital that sufficient safeguards are in...
It has been a long and difficult year for most of us, with many considering finally taking a family holiday. With children having returned to school and travel plans frequently...
A complex court case over conflicting dispute resolution provisions has highlighted a simple, but vital, takeaway on the importance of corporate reporting requirements for all UK registered companies, as the...
Fall-out from the government’s mini-Budget has seen back-tracking on some previously planned changes and it is vital to keep up-to-speed with tax changes, as a wait-and-see approach could see individuals...
Trustees who missed the September deadline to comply with the expanded scope of the Trust Registration regime have been thrown a lifeline by HMRC, with the news that penalties will...
On 6 April 2022, the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act (2020) came into force – a landmark reform introducing ‘no-fault divorce’ for couples ending their marriage. As a result of...
Getting divorced is never easy, and not something people plan for long into the future. Similarly, when spouses go into business together, they rarely consider making a commercial agreement. As...
When a couple makes the decision to divorce, the breakdown of the relationship can have far-reaching consequences. Unfortunately, grandparents of any children of the relationship can suffer and even be...
With summer just around the corner, many people are planning to make changes to their gardens. Some changes might be extensive, including decking, a garden office, fences or a total...
Forget the ink, the courts have ruled that an automatic email signature can count when it comes to the dotted line  Companies are being urged to review their electronic procedures...
The #TimesUp campaign has captured headlines with its push for greater diversity and equality in Hollywood and the entertainment sector, but these shifting attitudes are mirrored in legislative changes in...
It can be disappointing to discover that a Christmas gift is faulty, but fortunately, you do have certain rights when it comes to returning gifts that do not function as...
Exam results have been released and new students know where they will be heading for university.  Following the relief of results day, the next big headache for parents is often...
Garden predators are taking root in the courts, as householders take action to fight off plant invaders that can be highly destructive and undermine property values. One of the most...
Protecting digital assets and memories is vital as the shift online continues  The value of our online lives is becoming immeasurable, yet few people are recording or protecting their digital...
As part of inheritance tax planning, or simply as part of passing on wealth to the next generation, you may consider gifting money or property to family or friends. However,...
When bullying or racism is involved, seniority and titles do not confer special protection  Bullying or racism may seem the fate of the underdog, but recent headlines have shown how...
Employers should check they are having the right conversations to support those experiencing problems in the workplace because of the menopause. With growing numbers of women continuing in the workforce...
In its recent Trusts and Estates Newsletter for April 2022, HMRC announced some changes to the processing of IHT 100 forms, which changes the timelines for when those who have...
Earlier this month, the Prime Minister announced an extension to the Right to Buy scheme in an attempt to make home ownership possible for millions more in the UK. Right...
There is still much uncertainty about the true impact of coronavirus on all aspects of our lives. Inheritance tax is no different, with the fallout of the pandemic affecting the...
When buying property, it is important to know all costs beforehand to help you stick to your budget. Hidden costs can throw your plans off and ultimately take you over...
No more back-tracking and a complex array of new plans announced by the Chancellor in the Autumn Statement make it essential for individuals and corporations to keep on top of...
A person is known to die ‘intestate’ when they die without leaving a Will (or a valid Will).  In such circumstances, the Intestacy Rules come into effect.  These rules determine...
If you intend to leave savings, property or other assets to family or friends after you die, you need to consider inheritance tax (IHT). It could cost your heirs up...
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